Exercise / Biceps


The Standing Biceps Lat Bar Curl is one of the most effective of all lat-bar-curl variations, and it is a great exercise to build strength in the biceps, and allows the use of heavier weights with less risk of injury. This exercise is an effective way to train the upper arm, and they can be done anywhere. Standing biceps curls offer a great way to exercise the biceps and work the brachialis muscle group, which is located in the upper arm. They are also great for toning the triceps. This puts tension on the biceps and the brachialis muscle, and also works the forearms.


How to perform the exercise


  • Anchor: Fix the band(s) to the door with the door anchor at chest height.
  • Bands: Attach a Lat bar using a snap hook to the resistance band and grip the Resistance band(s) with each hand, your fingers should be inside the lat bar, thumb on the outside, palm should face up.

Body Position:

  • Grip the lat bar of the resistance band in each hand.
  • Stand about 4 to 5 feet or 3 to 4 steps away from the door while facing the door.
  • Keep your arms parallel to the floor.
  • Grasp the Lat bar with a palms-up grip. Stand straight up, chest up while keeping the natural arch of your straight back and core tight.
  • Position your arms so that they are straight, pointed towards the door anchor with palms up
  • Use your biceps to pull your arms up until your arms reaches chest level. Exhale out as you do so.
  • Hold for a second at the Concentric(top) and hold for a second while squeezing your biceps, then slowly bring your resistance back to the eccentric (original) position.
  • Repeat 10-15 Reps Max.


  • Pull the handles and bend your arms until your hands are almost touching your face while always maintaining your arms parallel to the floor..

Exercise Tips

  • Keep your upper arms parallel with the floor throughout the movement. Try not to move your elbow too much.
  • Do not swing – keep your core tight and a neutral spine.

Exercise Benefits

Standing  Lat bar Biceps Curls With Arms Up is a great variation for your Biceps routine. It is an isolation exercise of an upper arm. One of the most notable benefits of this exercise is the fact that the biceps are given more rest in between sets when compared to working both arms in unison. The user is therefore able to perform reps with optimum form each time rather than straining through them. Biceps exercises feel different when your arms are in alternative positions. The arms up position gives an amazing sensation in the contraction of the muscle at the end of the rep.