Donkey Kicks With Resistance Bands

23 Jun


Donkey Kicks with Resistance Bands exercise (AKA Donkey Kicks) is a popular fitness exercises that improves strength, lean muscle mass, and stabilise the core. Donkey kicks can be used to improve strength, muscle mass, and fat loss. There are a number of reasons why donkey kicks are one of the most effective exercises for burn fat and build muscle. Donkey Kicks with Resistance Bands are a type of low intensity exercise that provide a total body workout. By using resistance bands, as well as your own body weight, this exercise stimulates the muscles in your legs, back, shoulders, arms, chest, and abs. By doing this, the Donkey Kick exercise helps increase strength, muscle mass and burn fat. Donkey Kicks with Resistance Bands is a great exercise for people who want to shed fat.


How to perform Donkey Kicks With Resistance Bands Exercise


  • Anchor: Attach the anchor to the bottom of the door.
  • Bands: Attach an ankle strap to the band.

Body Position:

  • Get down on your hands and knees 4 to 5 feet away from the door, facing the door.
  • Place your body in such a way that your active leg is directly in front of the door anchor, with the band on the outside of your leg.


  • Push your active leg up and back until it is completely straight and parallel to the floor.

Exercise Tips

  • Push your leg back from your heel as far as you can.
  • At the end of the movement, squeeze your buttocks.

Benefits of Donkey Kicks With Resistance Bands Exercise

Donkey Kicks are a well-known exercise for strengthening and firming your glutes. Donkey Kicks with Resistance  Bands is a fantastic idea! You’ll get more resistance at the appropriate angle of your reps because bands provide more resistance as you stretch them further. Better burns are on the way!

23 Jun


A Front Lunge is a very effective exercise to strengthen the lower body, especially the glutes and hamstrings. The exercise works by activating the muscles through the hip sockets (buttocks) and the glutes. You should perform the exercise with resistance bands while you hold the banded position while waiting for your muscles to burn out. This exercise is great for releasing tension in the back, hamstrings, and glutes. The resistance band helps to strengthen the muscles, and hold the band will assist in a full range of motion.


Steps to perform Front Lunge With Resistance Bands Exercise


  • Anchor: Attach the anchor to the bottom of the door.
  • Bands: Attach a ankle strap to the band.

Body Position:

  • Grab a handle with each hand and stand 3 to 4 feet away from the door, facing it.
  • Position your arms so that your elbows are back and your hands are at chin height.
  • Begin with your back straight, your head straight, your chest up, and your feet hip-width apart.


  • Lunge with one foot while lowering your back knee (almost touching the floor).
  • Return to the starting position by pushing back from your heel.
  • Repeat with the other leg.

Exercise Tips

  • Keep your knee over your toes when lunging forward; don’t let it go past them.
  • Keep your back straight and your chest up.
  • Exercise bands and a door anchor help you do a better Front Lunge.


The front Anchored Lunge With Resistance Bands will work your Quads and Glutes to their limits. This minor variation on the standard lunge requires you to push harder from your heel in order to move away from the door’s anchor point and return to the starting position. It’s a guarantee that you’ll have sore glutes!

23 Jun


Standing leg abduction with resistance bands is one of the best ways to increase muscle mass in the legs. This is a core exercise for many dancers in modern dance. This hip-flexor exercise is a great way to isolate an area of the body. It also target the hips, core, upper back, and shoulders. In addition, they are a great way to build muscle and strength in your hamstrings, glutes and lower back.


Steps to perform the exercise


  • Anchor: Attach the anchor to the bottom of the door.
  • Bands: Attach a ankle strap to the band.

Body Position:

  • Fasten the ankle strap around your active leg’s ankle.
  • Stand 3 to 4 feet from the door, with your non-active leg closer to it and a few inches behind your active leg.
  • Place a chair where you may use it for support.
  • Maintain a straight back, a straight head, a straight chest, and a firm stomach.


  • Pull your active leg out to the side to form a 45-degree angle with the floor.

Exercise Tips

  • Keep your active leg straight.
  • Imagine yourself dragging the resistance from your heel.

Exercise Benefits

The stubborn problem area of the Outer Thigh is targeted with Standing Leg Abduction With Resistance Bands. Work your Abductors against the world’s smoothest, safest, and most effective resistance: Bands! This exercise will astound you with how much it burns and how well it works. If you’re looking to build a strong backside, chances are you focus on your gluteus maximus by doing lots of squats and lunges. However, strengthening glute muscles that perform hip abduction, or movement of your thighs out to the side, also firms your butt.

23 Jun


If you want to tone your legs, you need to do more than just sit. It’s true that the legs are the most difficult muscle group to tone, but standing leg abduction (SA) with resistance bands can help you tone them. The leg muscles are long and hard to isolate, but SA is a great muscle builder. This is a great exercise that helps strengthen and tone the buttocks muscles  and the best part is that you can do this exercise in the comfort of your home. Get ready to get some core workout build up your strength.


Steps to perform the exercise


  • Anchor: Attach the anchor to the bottom of the door.
  • Bands: Attach a ankle strap to the band.

Body Position:

  • Wrap the ankle strap around your active leg’s ankle.
  • With your active leg closer to the door, stand 3 to 4 feet away from it.
  • Place a chair where you may use it for support if necessary.
  • Maintain a straight back, a straight head, a straight chest, and a firm stomach.
  • Begin by placing your active leg at a 45-degree angle to the ground.


  • Pull your active leg in until it’s in front of your stationary foot.

Exercise Tips

  • Keep your active leg straight.
  • Imagine yourself dragging the resistance from your heel.

Exercise Benefits

Standing Leg Adduction With Resistance Bands tackles the inner thigh’s difficult issue area. Strengthen your Adductors by training them against the world’s smoothest, safest, and most effective resistance: Bands! The burn is great, and the effects are even better.

23 Jun


If you are looking for an exercise that will build the all over body strength then lunge with resistance bands is a great way to go. The main benefits of this exercise is that it builds the muscles, it burns the fat, it improves the stamina and it also helps to tone the body. This is a great exercise for people of all ages. It is a really easy way to get your lower body muscles working. This exercise is a total body exercise, which means it will work the much of the muscle groups in your body. It is a great way to tone your thighs, abs and hips.


Steps to perform the exercise


  • Anchor: Attach the anchor to the bottom of the door.
  • Bands: Attach handles to the band.

Body Position:

  • Place one foot in front of the other.
  • With your front foot, stand on the band. Raise your hands to shoulder height by gripping a handle in each hand.
  • Lower your hips straight down until your front thigh is virtually parallel to the floor.
  • Keeping your back straight, head straight, elbows back, and chest up.


  • Straighten your front leg and raise your hips.

Exercise Tips

  • Push through your heel.
  •  As you lower and raise your body keep your knee tracking over your toes.

Exercise Benefits

The Queen of all Legs Exercises with Bands is the Lunge with Tube Bands. This isn’t a simple exercise. It necessitates stamina, coordination, and focus. There isn’t a better way to build and strengthen your Quads and Glutes than with this exercise.

23 Jun


The Lying Hamstrings Curl with Resistance Bands is a powerful exercise to help lengthen and strengthen the hamstrings. This exercise is great for those with tight hamstrings and weak glutes. It works your glutes as well as your hamstrings. If you want to build your lower body muscles then you must do this exercise. It is one of the best exercises to do to build the lower body muscles.


Steps to perform the exercise


  • Anchor: Attach the anchor to the bottom of the door.
  • Bands: Attach ankle strap to the band.

Body Position:

  • Wrap the ankle straps over your ankles and lay 3 to 4 feet away from the door on the floor.
  • Maintain a flat back and a flat buttocks.


  • Bend both legs together and move your heels towards your buttocks.

Exercise Tips

  • Keep your calves and feet relaxed. Simply point your toes if you can’t get them to relax.
  • When you bend your legs, don’t allow your hips rise up. Maintain a low hip and Butt.

Exercise Benefits

Many individuals believe that a lying hamstrings curl with bands is considerably superior to a similar workout done with weights. That’s because you can’t rock your body to move the resistance using Bands. Many people have Hamstring cramping when they first try this activity since it works so well.

23 Jun

Lying Hip Flexion With Resistance Bands is a popular exercise that is being used in many gyms and fitness studios to help strengthen the hip flexors. It is a simple warm up routine that can improve your flexibility, core strength and balance. By adding resistance bands to your workout routine, you can target specific muscle groups and bring yourself to an intense level of exercise. This Exercise helps in making lower back and glutes become stronger. It will also make it easier for you to do more advanced hip flexion exercises, like the hip thrust.


Steps to perform the exercise


  • Anchor: Attach the anchor to the bottom of the door.
  • Bands: Attach ankle strap to the band.

Body Position:

  • Lay on the floor 3 to 4 feet away from the door, facing it, with an ankle strap on each foot.
  • Begin by standing with your legs completely straight (pointing toward the door anchor) and your arms at your sides, palms down.


  • Pull your feet away from the door and bend your legs, bringing your knees to your chest.

Exercise Tips

  • Keep your legs together and try to pull from your heels.

Exercise Benefits

Lying Hip Flexion With resistance Bands is an excellent workout for strengthening the hip flexor muscles while providing a smooth and safe resistance. From a lying down position, this exercise replicates the function of the Hip Flexors. Every set will leave your hips feeling fantastic. Make this a part of your daily routine!

23 Jun


Squats, the most dreaded and dreaded exercise, have a definite place in every athletes workout routine. It is a necessity for every athlete and any athlete who wants to improve his/her game. But to get the most out of your squat, you need to do it properly. How do you do it? Squats with resistance bands! That’s right, these bands will help you squeeze out more reps and even have them more comfortable to perform. If you are overweight and want to lose weight, then you should do Repel Squat With Resistance Bands. This is because squats work the same muscles as doing Repel Squat With Resistance Bands, but instead of using your muscles to repel down, you use your muscles to push back up.


Steps to perform the exercise


  • Anchor: Attach the anchor to the top of the door.
  • Bands: Attach handles to the band.

Body Position:

  • Grip a handle in each hand and face the door.
  • Keep your back straight, chest up, and feet hips width apart.
  • Straighten your arms and point them down, keeping the palms of each hand firmly planted on your hips.


  • Squat as if in a chair.
  • When your thighs are parallel to the ground, leap to your feet and use the resistance to lift you off the ground for a little jump.
  • Repeat.

Exercise Tips

  • Keep your chest up and back straight throughout the movement.
  • Press off your heels as you stand up.

Exercise Benefits

Some Resistance Band exercises are more engaging than others. It’s a thrill to do the Repel Squat With Bands! Work your Quads and Glutes as if you’re rappelling down a mountainside. This exercise also serves as a light warm-up for your knees and hips before performing exercises such as squats or lunges.

23 Jun


The Reverse Lunge is one of the staples of a functional fitness program, and is used to both improve balance and prepare the body for a variety of functional exercises. But what exactly is a reverse lunge, and do you need to do it with resistance bands to get the most from it? Find out in this post, where we cover! We’re going to share a quick tip on how we can work a reverse lunge with added resistance in your workouts. This is one of the best exercises for developing your entire lower body and strengthening your core, and using resistance bands will allow you to do it in different ways.


Steps to perform the exercise


  • Anchor: Not required.
  • Bands: Attach handles to the band.

Body Position:

  • Stand in the centre of the band with one foot.
  • Now, take one handle in each hand and raise them to your shoulders, the band behind your shoulders.
  • Start by standing tall with your feet hip-width apart, your head straight, back straight, and chest upright.


  • Step back and lower your back knee until your front leg’s thigh is parallel to the ground.
  • Return to your starting position by pushing off your heel.
  • Repeat.

Exercise Tips

  • Keep your chest high and your back straight.
  • As you lunge back, keep your front knee above your toes.

Exercise Benefits

If ordinary lunges with Resistance Bands are too difficult for you, the Reverse Lunge With Bands is the appropriate exercise for you. As you lower your hips down for each rep, take a huge step back. This virtually guarantees that your knee remains behind your toes. Better results and fewer injuries follow proper form.

23 Jun


Standing Calf Raise With Resistance Bands is an major exercise for the calves that strengthens the calves and helps in increasing the strength of the leg muscles. The exercise will not only strengthen your calf muscles, it will also help you burn fat from your calf muscles. The best thing about this exercise is that it can be done anywhere at anytime. The exercise can be done with any resistance band that is capable of holding the weight of your body. So, if you want to improve your calf muscles, start with the standing calf raise.


How to perform the exercise


  • Anchor: Attach the anchor to the door at the bottom.
  • Bands: Attach a ankle strap to the resistance band.

Body Position:

  • One hand on each handle, stand 1 to 2 feet away from the door with your back to it.
  • Raise your arms to shoulder height.
  • Maintain a straight back, a level head, and a taut stomach.


  • Raise your heels off the floor until you cannot get any higher on your toes.

Exercise Tips

  • Push through your big toe as you raise your heels.

Exercise Benefits

Standing Calf Raise With Resistance Bands is a great alternative to weighted Calf Machines. You can work your calf muscles until they are completely exhausted. Incorporate this workout into your regimen to see a substantial improvement in the strength and growth of your calves.

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